Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday feature with the Pro's

This tip comes from one of our members of The Wedding Connectors

Kristi Crosson
Wedding Photographer
"Redefining the face of Beauty" amazing bride at a time

Photography Tips for the Plus-Sized Bride, and The Photographer

As a married woman, who is overweight, I have a unique perspective on how it feels to be in the "Plus-Size" category. I think that our media does a great job at telling overweight women that they are not as beautiful as their skinny counterparts. I do a great job of telling you gorgeous ladies otherwise. I believe (truly) that all women are beautiful, and it is up to me as a photographer to capture the beauty that is already there, and show it to you. I do understand that there are certain angles that are just not as flattering to someone with a little more meat on their bones. So here are 4 tips from me to you about photographing the plus-size (or any) bride, and about choosing a great photographer:

1. Photographers: Don't photograph them if you do not think that they are amazing and radiant and beautiful. Seriously. If you don't think they are truly beautiful and that you can make them shine, don't take their business. refer them to a professional photographer friend.

Brides (of any size): If you talk with a photographer, and they don't make you feel A.M.A.Z.I.N.G., find a different one, even if they cost more money. Trust me, you'll love yourself and your photos if you do!

2. Photographers: Once you know that you are "for" your client, make sure to affirm them (you should be doing this anyways, but I think it is important to note here) on their wedding day.

Brides: if you are uncertain about this, ask the photographer for at least 1 referral, someone you can talk to directly to see how they felt on their wedding day with that photographer. Also, look on their website to see if there are any "plus-sized" brides displayed. Even if there aren't any, and you and this photographer connect really well, you should be able to feel confident in your photographer selection. So book them before your date is taken.

3. Photographers: Angles, angles, angles. Its all about the angles. There is a little more to be aware of when photographing plus-sized brides. Arms for instance. A good way to minimize arm size in any bride is to break it up. Use the veil to help frame her face, while bringing attention away from the arms. In bride and groom shots, you can have the grooms hand on the upper part of the arm. Do not photograph a larger bride straight on. Turn her body slightly, and look for flattering angles. Do not photograph her from below her face, if anything, have the camera angle slightly above where she is standing or sitting. If she tilts her head up toward you, it can minimize a larger face size.

Brides: If you have an area that you are particularly self-conscious of, tell your photographer in advance, and be sure to remind them. Be realistic though. You want pictures of you, not your head pasted on a photo of a super-model (although...)

4. Photographers: I personally am against using photoshop to slim a bride down. I want her to see herself as beautiful whether she is big or not, and I feel that by using photoshop to make them skinny, it perpetuates the idea that plus-sized brides are not beautiful. If you are not against it, and your client wants it, then that is another option for you.

Brides: Ask your photographer if they have "slimmed" down any of the brides in their portfolio. And if you are larger, ask them if they feel confident they can capture you and your beauty on that day. Ask them how they will minimize your size. I am plus-sized right now, and I love it when my photographer friends capture me at just the right angle that I can see how beautiful I am. I am not distracted by all of my imperfections, but instead, I see someone amazing, lovely, and beautiful. That's what your photographer should help you see.

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