Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A snowy day downtown

We took Kayla downtown for lunch over the weekend, she is getting ready to get her license so she drove (yikes).. It was perfect! I love downtown, the snow was falling slowing. We ate at the CheeseCake Factory (yum yum)

Clock tower

Kayla & Daddy it was pretty cold.

The love of my life for 21 yrs.

just liked the way this looked, I love the old in Denver, not really sure if there is History here I tried to look it up on google but found nothing.

my friend Rachel will be proud I took a picture of this door, I thought it looked old and cool.

What else would you have on a snowy day Downtown? yes of course a good cup of Joe.

new products

I have been working on a couple new projects, more to come but thought you may like these.

Thought since my new look on the website was blue that I would create some blue Wedding invitations. These will be available in our semi-custom invitations, you can change out the color and the monogram, the style itself stays the same.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My first month

I can't believe it is February already. I am now taking time to look back at this last month, since getting laid off I went through many emotions, I knew it was a sign that I had bigger things planned for my future. I cannot believe this journey I have had, I have met some amazing people since starting The Wedding Connectors and have realized that my bigger plan was to help others with their business. I never dreamed it would be this successful in such a short time. Every day I am faced with new challenges, pressures and obstacles to overcome, and the craziest thing is.. I LOVE IT! I love being pushed to the limit... I feel as though now I have people counting on me and that keeps me going 110% strong. I know work full time with two of my businesses, it feels good to actually say I am self employed, it is really hard work and I find myself working very long hours, but it is worth it. I am fortunate to have a very understanding family who puts up with me working allot, but I am glad that I am here for them just a couple steps away.

Follow me on my blog as I begin this wonderful journey, I have learned so much in this past month and cannot wait to learn more.

Thank you everyone for your support, I am blessed with great people in my life...

I also had the privilege of meeting with Kristi Crosson of
Kristi Crosson Photography last week, she did some beautiful work with my product, I also had a new picture taken of me, what do you think? enjoy some of the pictures she took.

until next time have a happy week

Graphic Design by Polka Dot Dandy